
Copywriting is a key component of marketing, advertising and public relations – every published word that speaks to a specific audience or market falls under this umbrella.

We write copy to inform, educate, engage and convey messages to readers on websites, across social profiles and platforms, in adverts and e-mails, newsletters, blog posts and articles, and brochures and posters. 

Research indicates that, on average, website visitors read only 20% of the copy on any given page, which speaks volumes to the value of using effective and captivating copy in your marketing.

Copy is designed to encourage readers to take action by supporting and buying or investing in a product, service or brand.

Copy is designed to encourage readers to take action, by supporting and buying or investing in a product, service or brand. 

Copy not only exists as a means to inform, persuade and convey a message to readers, it also heavily contributes to your business’s ranking on search engines, impacting your visibility.

In marketing, the written word lends to your brand’s identity, credibility, likeability and authenticity. Copy that lacks consistency, cohesion and correct grammar and punctuation can have a major impact on a brand’s success.

Copy builds your brand’s image and personality, it forms rapport with the reader, it helps you stand out from your competitors, and can maximize your ROI.