Which email marketing platform is right for you?

Which email marketing tool is right for you?

Email marketing has never been a more important tool for digital marketing than it is today. 

“Why?” you may ask. In a landscape filled with noise from everyone else’s content, it’s a fight to ensure your content is not just seen, but is engaged with by your audience.

Email marketing can help you cut through the noise by personalizing your approach and provide content that resonates with your audience direct to their inbox.

There are numerous platforms out there that help to make it easy and automate much of this for you. Here is a run down of our top three email marketing platforms:


mailchimp logo

Mailchimp is a popular email automation program customizable to your own specific requirements. There is a lot you can do in Mailchimp including segmenting your subscribers, automating campaigns and even social media post creation.  It is free for organizations with under 2000 email subscribers, making it an effective platform for small businesses. Mailchimp’s paid upgrades are highly recommended for small-medium and corporate businesses. 

Another great feature of Mailchimp is the detailed metrics they provide. When building out your marketing plan, feedback from your existing campaigns should be influential when shaping your future marketing campaigns. The insights you receive, such as how many subscribers have opened your email, which links were clicked the most, how many people unsubscribed after receiving an email, and how your campaign compares to industry averages all come in handy. 

Top 3 Mailchimp benefits

  1. Detailed analytics and reporting. 
  2. Advanced audience segmentation. 
  3. Social media marketing. 


flodesk logo

Flodesk is a personal favorite for start-ups and smaller businesses who want to send beautifully designed emails, thanks to hundreds of easily editable templates. You can integrate the platform into a variety of your existing management tools, create email automations to help save time and effort, and create landing pages for basic email sign ups. It’s a good starting point to unleash the potential of email marketing. 

Top 3 Flodesk benefits

  1. Beautifully designed and customisable templates. 
  2. Fixed fee, unlimited subscribers.
  3. Integrates seamlessly with other platforms.



Hubspot gives other email marketing platforms a run for their money with a comprehensive suite of capabilities on their free plan, including their excellent CRM tool and all of HubSpot’s free marketing, sales, service, and other operational tools.

The free version allows you to send up to 2,000 emails and store an unlimited number of subscribers – which is of huge value if you are growing your list.  You can even create custom signup and popup forms, build landing pages, and track any online advertisements. Once you have exceeded the free capabilities, the advanced version starts from $45/month.

Top 3 HubSpot benefits

  1. Advanced CRM and leading marketing automation 
  2. Comprehensive usage on their FREE plan 
  3. Advance personalization so you can continually provide your audience with relevant content

In summary

The choice of email marketing platform should ultimately be decided by what you want to achieve and what areas you need the most assistance with. 

These needs will differ from business to business, so it’s important to consider your own unique needs before you sign up to a long term email marketing subscription. This will ensure you are get the most value from the chosen platform. 

As with every aspect of marketing, planning is critical. You will get out what you put in.

If you are looking for some more tips and would like to download a planning tool, head over to our read our blog story on email marketing.

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